Coalesce: Crimson Flight

After 5 years of being imprisoned in a forgotten castle, a group of people that have been given super abilities through DNA mutation escape and attempt to create new lives within the country of Wales. King Edward I, the famous attitudinal King of England, has taken control of the country. A mad Welshman uses his resources to take over from the shadows in his pursuit for his sister, Sammaya, and his other genetically altered pawns.

This story has many historical elements and has one of the most colorful casts you'll hear. If you are interested in sci-fi, fantasy, action, or medieval history then this is a story you'll really want to check in on. It's a long one too!

Coalesce: Crimson Chronicles

 Crimson Chronicles consists of side stories, back stories, and journal entries that coincide with our main story. You'll see some new characters that we may run into later in CF and learn more about their world. You don't have to listen in order to know the main story, but it's recommended! Don't miss a thing on our Patreon!