Episode 1: A New Home

Sammaya escapes Tuama Prison, an old castle that has been used as a hide away by a Welshman to experiment on human DNA. Monsters chase the poor girl into the forest, and she is met by a fellow friend on the run.

Voice Actors:

Osian: Arthur Pelino

Sammaya: Ellie Reads

Majenox Sounds: ShadowHydeV.A

Audio Engineer and Sound Design: Tyler Curran

Episode 2: Children of the wood

After gathering berries at the edge of the forest, young Colin is greeted by unwanted company. Osian and Elin take watch over their uneducated children.

Voice Actors

Narrator: Bryan Ejlund

Colin: Dakota Powell Sammaya: Ellie Reads Osian: Arthur Pelino Cassie: Kiyana Morgan

Caius: Simon Poole Elin: Antonia Christou

Anerin: Tristan Derriks 

Taleigha: Kat Duncan

Kimi: Winayza Yazmin

Audio Engineer and Sound Design Tyler Curran 

Episode 3: the jump

The five-year-old Caius and his father race to their encampment as the majenox attack their friends. Magic is performed in the camp by two unexpected people.

Voice Actors:

Caius: Simon Poole

Osian: Arthur Palino

Cassie: Kiyana Morgan

Tadashi: Angelo Toledo

Sammaya: Ellie Reads

Kimi: Winayza Yazmin

Elin: Antonia Christou

Falon: Simon Wigstrom

Anerin: Tristan Derricks

Taleigha: Kat Duncan

Audio Editing: Shadley Peterson

Sound Design and Mix: Daniel Doutch

Episode 4: from nothing to something

Michaelis, with the help of his mutant army and a witch, seek to turn Wales upside down in order to find his sister. His lackies return with bad news. 

Voice Actors:

Michaelis: Jordan Connolly

Isla: Tanja Tjong

Cormac: Erik Forsström 

Shopkeeper: Mark Gatlin

Emyr: Sebastian Stag Agner

Hamish: ShadowHydeV.A 

Sound Design and Mix: Tyler Curran